Talon Novels

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The Shadow Sisters series

Ryana, a worthless girl-child, is sold to a mysterious woman who takes her to the home of the Shadow Sisters who are prized for their abilities as spies and assassins. She survives years of training in spite of being unconventional. As she completes her training, the Shadow Sisters are under attack. The senior Sister selects Ryana to find out who is killing Sisters and why–because her intuitive approach has proved effective, even though her youth and inexperience makes it unlikely she can survive.

The Shadow Ryana Book I
The Shadow Gypsy Book II

Fantasy/Adventure – Anthologies

The Riss Series

A young girl dreams of seeing the stars and meeting aliens. Her chance comes in the form of a project offering a college education, commissioning in the SAS Fleet, and a partnership with an alien. She successfully qualifies and wins one of the coveted ten positions. Of Course everything comes with a price–the alien is a parasite that inhabits the body and mind and is there for life. Is it a dream or nightmare come true–maybe both?

The Red Angel series

Five-year-old Anna should have died from a deadly virus along with her parents. Alone and desperate, she wants to die and join them in heaven. So when the little red-headed angel appears she begs, cajoles, and demands he take her to heaven. He could have but didn’t.
The little red head she mistook for an angel didn’t have wings, or a halo, or legs or arms. The little red head belonged to a poisonous krait—it should have been hibernating since it was winter and snowing, its bite should have killed her but didn’t, and it had no reason to stay with her but it did.  Anna and her krait have a symbiotic relationship that provides remission but not a cure.   Over the years, Anna comes to believe that the krait she calls Red not only keeps her alive but may contribute to her outstanding performance in school, her ability to solve puzzles, and to sense people’s strong emotions. Recognizing her talent, the Naval Intelligence Agency, NIA, hires her and assigns her to an elite team tasked with tracking down interstellar smugglers.

The Black Guard series

As the least favored child, it was no surprise when Rivka’s father selects her, at age six, to comply with the country’s conscript law. Sent away to the military to be raised and trained, she struggles to keep from falling into an abyss of despair. Only when she adopts a new friend’s dream of becoming a member of the elite Black Guard does she find a new reason to live. Few make it into the Black Guard, but Rivka is determined. Yet when she makes it and is sent on her first mission, to protect a ruling family during a revolution, she discovers to her dismay that the Black Guard may not be as perfect as she had believed. Thus Rivka begins a journey that will change her and the Black Guard forever.

The Black Guard Book I; Least Favorite Child
The Black Guard Book III: Black Mamba
The Black Guardians Book IV:

Tasmanian Series

Jolie was seven when five boys and two girls dragged her out of the orphanage and beat her unconscious, leaving her lying bleeding and broken in the street. She was content to lie there and die, tired of being hated and abused. But a frail old man not only saved her, but he adopted her and passed on his unique martial art to her. She was twenty when she headed to Delphi, the planet of her birth-father to find her place in his society. Based on her unique upbringing, she decides to join the USP military, requesting to be assigned to the Tasmanians SFG, an elite all male unit. The military brass agree to let her enter the school, thinking she couldn’t possibly succeed–a Chihuahua competing against Rottweilers. Her adopted father’s art enables her to survive the treachery of the military brass, the grueling demands of the school, the prejudices of the instructors, and the testosterone of an all-male class. This is her story.

Phoenix Wars Series

You have glioblastoma, an incurable brain cancer, and have less than a month to live. What price would you be willing to pay for a cure? Any price? Are you sure?

Would it be worth agreeing to join an alien nation offering a cure but without any of the messy details?
* who and what are the aliens,
* proof they can cure you,
* why they want people from Earth,
* the alien’s specific needs,
* what they expect from those they cure,
* but knowing they will never see Earth again.
Kayla, a seventeen-year-old teenager, and others with an assortment of lethal medical conditions are about to find out the price of life.

Science Fiction Anthology

The Kazak Guardians series

If the Kazak Guardians had a recruiting poster, it would have read: WANTED: A select few insane men to fight professional assassins with super-human abilities. Good medical plan provided.  Kazaks guarded individuals whose lives were deemed critical to the security of the United States. As such, Kazaks attracted fanatics and the best professional assassins money could buy—Liars who could tell lies you believed, Ghosts who could become nearly invisible, and Illusionists who could appear to be anyone. Lynn survives years of training and  enters a world of extremists and assassins, where each assignment become a deadly contest between Kazak and assassin, with the prize the life of the VIP.

Paranormal Anthologies

I am currently working on The Black Eye Galaxy Arbitrators Book II, The Table of Kings.

 Hopefully, the book will be available in April  2024

Book IV, The Ghost Platoon, Tasmanian SFG audiobook will be in March 2024,


Book IV, The Ghost Platoon, Tasmanian SFG audiobook will be in March 2024,

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